Sunday, September 9, 2012

UDK Game Hover: Ride Out

Game Review of a UDK game

 & how it could be improved

HOVER:  Ride out
The level I played I honestly enjoyed. It was simple so improving it from the beginning would be to add some more interactivity maybe to go into more than one of the buildings.

The game objects were graphically clear to me what their purpose except the crown in the church.

I found that getting the game objects such as ammo and weapons was a learning curve. The craft itself was clumsy to maneuver, the main vehicle is a hover craft. It was basically playing red vs blue. When aiming and maneuvering directly over the game object it still didn’t get collected into my inventory.  I did manage to collect one item and Il ike how I was shown what the item was, (text popped up to say I achieved the collected piece) and what it was.

It seemed as it there were camera issues when I aimed and shot at bots but it goes with the hovercraft clumsiness too.

I liked the game and my son Rob also played, he liked it. I continued to play.  It made me feel as though I could create a simple game without all of the anxiety that I have been having.  I enjoyed the simple environment. All the sound was well coordinated in to the game from the collision, shots to the music loops which didn’t annoy me as they looped. It has a logical look and feel also.

GREAT assignment! Loved it.

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